As I came into my English class one day, my teacher pulled me aside to speak to me privately. She seemed quite embarrassed, but continued to say, "I need to apologize to you."
Apologize for what? I responded, genuinely puzzled.
"Remember when I spoke to you earlier today?"
My mind flashed back to my TA period ~ I was sitting at a desk, grading papers. My English teacher had come up to me and asked me a question about something.
Yeah, I do.
"Well, before I came up to you, I called out your name a few times and said, 'Are you deaf or what?' I am so sorry for saying that to you."
To be honest, I didn't hear you say that.
She breathed a sigh of relief. "I forget that you can't hear. You look like every other student and I need to remind myself..."
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Her sincere apology made me love her even more. She was more than just a teacher, she was a human being, with feelings....
Our conversation got me thinking. How many times have I not heard something that was meant to be hurtful? A rude comment. Name calling.
How many times have I been spared, just because I didn't hear it?
I consider myself pretty lucky.